Electronic social networking in education

Glossary includes a list of terms with their definitions and sources. Featured terms within the subject area of the research "Formation of information and educational environment of senior pupils training based on technologies of electronic social networks" (2015-2017) that are commonly acknowledged or recently introduced, or, at least, unusual for traditional educational researches.

A continuation of the retrospective analysis of research results of social networks and their use in modern education prospective analysis of using electronic social networks in the learning environment is carried out. Possible changes in teaching methodology when new objects - electronic social networking services, appear in the system of education are studied. Attention is paid to emphasis change from the network communication to productive discussion structure as well as from collaboration to cooperative learning methods for students. The problem of improving information and communication competence of all partners of learning process is described.

A noticeable increase in the number of Internet social networks and global involving people in their use is one of the forms of expression and development of communication network, that appears to be the basis of the information-oriented society. Information age is characterized, first of all, by change of mankind from production material products mainly to nonmaterial (information, knowledge, human cognitive processes). This process come with certain social transformations [1]. On the other hand, there has been trend of changes acceleration in technologies and technical means. These modern challenges as: a significant increase in data processing information systems, a variety of technological platforms, mobility and mass-oriented personal computer devices, spread of cloud-oriented systems and access technologies to electronic resources - certainly affect the development of information and educational environment, create special conditions for formation of educational environment of modern school educational environment.
Nowadays, electronic social networks (ESN) are means for a large number of global network users to get more opportunities for communication, accumulation and transfer of knowledge, use of their own creativity in educational, scientific and socially important problem solving, generation ideas, etc.
It is our opinion that, the use of electronic social networking in education can have a synergetic effect, related, in particular, to the fact, that combined use of several mutually agreed pedagogical strategies appears to be more useful than implementation of any isolated one. Nevertheless, the use of ESN in education is connected to solving a number of psychological, pedagogical, organizational problems, with strengthening of information security rights, protection of data in information networks. The article deals with electronic social networks as a factor as a factor of indirect action on development of modern learning environment. Conclusions are supported by numerous polls data of students, parents, teachers, education managers from different countries (Ukraine, the USA and Europe) on the use of social networks in general and their inclusion into the teaching and educational process in particular. The point of components of IC competence of teachers, which involve use of social studies and educational networks in teaching and an issue of learning situations and educational project development using ESN are controversial. >>>>>

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